Injuries Fractures, Nerve Damage, Tendon Lacerations

Our physicians are fellowship-trained covering everything from the fingertips to the shoulder, we offer almost all treatment options and will give you our personalized recommendation regarding the best for you. This could include treatment with a sling, splint, cast, therapy, and/or surgery. 

Shoulder & Upper Arm Injuries

Shoulder injury X-ray

Shoulder replacement X-ray

We can treat simple to complex shoulder injuries with a variety of options: plates/screw, joint replacement, tendon repairs, and non-operative methods. 

Elbow & Forearm Injuries

Elbow injury X-ray

Elbow replacement X-ray

We can handle any injury around the elbow and our treatment capabilities include plates, screws, wires, tendon and nerve repair/reconstruction, and even total joint replacement

Wrist, Hand, & Finger Injuries

Wrist X-ray

Finger injury X-ray

We are well-versed in a multitude of treatment options so we can tailor for your goals: returning to work as soon as possible, saving money, smallest incision, etc. 

Hand to Shoulder team in the surgical suite

The Hand to Shoulder Center

At The Hand to Shoulder Center in Fort Worth, TX, our team of fellowship-trained hand, elbow, and shoulder surgeons treat any and all conditions from the shoulder to the fingertip. Our surgeons perform both elective and reconstructive procedures, including:

  • Joint Replacement
  • Traumatic Injury Surgery
  • Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Microsurgery
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Wide Awake Local Anesthesia Only Surgery

Our physicians are associated with the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. For more information or to request an appointment, please contact us online, call (817) 420-9238, or fax us at 817-570-0182.

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Google map image of our location in 5612 Edwards Ranch Rd Ste 200 Fort Worth, TX

Fort Worth Office

5612 Edwards Ranch Rd
Ste 200
Fort Worth, TX 76109

Open Today 8:00am - 12:00pm

Google map image of our location in 1429 Clear Lake Rd Ste 100 Weatherford, TX

Weatherford Office

1429 Clear Lake Rd
Ste 100
Weatherford, TX 76086

Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

By Appointment Only

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